Arina Medvedeva

Panel 3D Post-Cinema
Session 3 – July 2, 11:00 – 13:00

Aesthetic Decoding in YouTube Digital Art

This study, supported by Russian Science Foundation, 18-18-00007, examines the concept of aesthetics decoding. The focus of this presentation is on analytical reception and potential of Petscop phenomenon (a PS1 game that only exists in YouTube’s let’s play format). Nowadays there is so much content around us, that audience drowned in stories and emotions. But increasing popularity of analytical channels on YouTube shows us that now web audience is more interested in process of reflection of the art products. As Dziga Vertov wrote about his term Cine-Eye, it is a form of human extensions, which gives an opportunity to see more (therefore understand more). So we can talk about same Book-mind, Game-hand, Music-Ear etc. Our hypothesis is that audience is searching for meaning not in the plot (story), but in the constructed form of the work of art. This process is close to what Bertolt Brecht understood under “estrangement effect”, when we need to be only the audience who think about the story and its message. Thus art products themselves became a “code” (which correlates with the transfer of information to digital form, to the Internet). Audience tries to decode art products instead of being a part of imaginary world. But what was a part of elite culture thinking in XX century, nowadays is part of mass culture (which is representing in popular game/movie theories – on Reddit and YouTube – analysis of movies, books, music, pop culture, increased sells of non-fiction books).


Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Chelyabinsk State University. Publications in Russian research journals, included in Russian Science Citation Index, and Scopus. Member of research group of mediaesthetics, funding by Russian Science Foundation (18-18-00007). Member of the editorial board of the research journals “Chelyabinsk humanities”, “Sign: problem field of medialiteracy.