Conference Program

Benny Chirco, Dinamica di linguaggio (Dynamics of Language) 2011. Reproduced with the artist’s permission.

First Conference of the ICLA Research Committee
on Literatures/Arts/Media (CLAM)

Transcodification: Literatures Arts Media
Department of Humanities – Excellence Program 2018-2022
July 1-3, 2021 – University of L’Aquila

Online Conference on Cisco Webex (links to participate will be provided soon)

1 July

9:00 – 9:30 Conference opening

9:30 – 10:30

Sean Cubitt (University of Melbourne)
Dissonance, Anachronism
Chair and Discussant: Mattia Petricola, Massimo Fusillo


10:30 – 11:00 Break

11:00 – 13:00 SESSION 1

1A Literary Transcodifications/1
Chair: Donata Meneghelli

Ana Laguna Martínez (University of Granada)
Brecht’s Kriegsfibel: a Semiotic Study
Vincenzo Maggitti (Independent Researcher)
Terms of Visual and Trans-Medial Debate in Nathaniel West’s The Day of the Locust
Helena Van Praet (Catholic University of Louvain)
From Print to Digital and Back Again: Network Aesthetics in Anne Carson’s The Beauty of the Husband


1B Comics and Sequential Narrative/1
Chair: Mario Tirino

Mattia Arioli (University of Bologna)
Framing Memories: Intercode Adaptation of Iconic Photographs of the Vietnam War
Giorgio Busi Rizzi (University of Ghent)
Digital comics as participatory Gesamtkunstwerk: Andrew Hussie’s Homestuck
Stefan Buchenberger (Kanagawa University)
Trying to Describe the Non-describable: H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu-Mythos and Its Adaptations in Alan Moore’s Graphic Novels


1C Theories and Philosophies of Transcodification/1
Chair: Mattia Petricola

Raffaele Chiarulli (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan)
“Various are the incidents in one man’s life which cannot be reduced to unity”. First Aristotelian Lesson on Transcodification
Soo-Young Nam (Korea National University of Arts)
The Purloined Codes: Media (Techniques) as Cryptology
Youngmin Kim (Dongguk University)
Converging Transmedia, Digital Humanities, and World Literature: The Poetics of Database and Transcodification


1D Digital Media Practices
Chair: Márcio Seligmann-Silva

Jess McPhearson (Spa University of Bath)
Girl Swarm: Performing Post-Internet Female Identity
Natasha Lushetich (University of Dundee)
Be Here. Cultural and Personal Memory in the Age of Global Informationalism
Marie Thérèse Abdelmessih (Cairo University)
The Egyptian ‘Enigma’ in New Media Art


1E Icons and iconicity
Chair: Massimo Fusillo

Sarah M.T. Goeth (University of Hamburg)
The Iconic Turn as a Pioneer of Modern Transmedialism
Silvia Albertazzi (University of Bologna)
Nostalgia of the Present: Pauline Boty from the Swinging Sixties to Post-Brexit UK
Beatrice Seligardi (University of Parma)
From Femicide to Art Criticism: Remediating Francesca Alinovi’s Icon


1F Transcoding Japan
Chair: Yorimitsu Hashimoto

Takayuki Yokota-Murakami (Osaka University)
Transcodification of Critical Terms: Character/seikaku/xingge from Chinese Classical Writings via Modern Japanese Literature to Contemporary “Light Novels”
Toshiko Ellis (Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Japan)
Opening Canonical Texts: Quotation, Retelling and Potential Criticality
Laura Treglia (Independent Researcher)
Lady Snowblood or the Cross-media and Transnational Appeal of the Angry Woman Tale: An Early Example of Transcodification Politics and Practices of the Japanese “Media Mix”
Francesco-Alessio Ursini (Central China Normal University)
Japanese Space Opera and Intermediality


15:30 – 17:30 SESSION 2

2A Literary Transcodifications/2
Chair: Silvia Albertazzi

Tiffany Hong (Earlham College, Indiana)
Transcodifying the Murakamiverse: Migrating Multimodal Narratology
Alice Balestrino (University of Illinois)
“I’m Not the Hero Type.” Marvel’s Infinity Saga as Chivalric Romance
Thirthankar Chakraborty (Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai)
Dæmonizing Affect: Philip Pullman’s Fantastic World of Ecological Crises


2B Comics and Sequential Narrative/2
Chair: Beatrice Seligardi

Davide Carnevale (University of Rome La Sapienza)
“A Ghastly And Inappropriate Splendour”: The Fantastic In Dino Battaglia’s Comic Adaptations
Noriko Hiraishi (University of Tsukuba)
Hybrid Language in Graphic Narratives: Onomatopoeia in the Digital Age
Umberto Rossi (Independent Researcher)
A for Anarchy, S for Spleen: About the Movie Transcodification of Moore & Lloyd’s V for Vendetta


2C Inferno in Videogames
Chair: Hans-Joachim Backe

Mattia Bellini (University of Tartu)
Videoludic images of Hell and Western Literary Culture
Marta Martín Núñez ( Universitat Jaume I de Castellón)
Visual Inheritances for a Liminal World in Limbo
Yotam Shibolet (Utrecht University)
Re-enacting Sisyphus: Narrative Gameplay in Hades
Marie-Luise Meier (University of Tartu)
You have returned’ – On the remediation of Achilles’ and Patroclus’ Relationship from Homer’s Iliad in Supergiant Games’ Hades (2020)


2D From Page to Stage, and in Between
Chair: Serena Guarracino

Bernadette Cronin (University College Cork)
Killing Stella: Translation and/as Transcodification
Alessandra Ruggiero (University of Teramo)
Language, Music, Adaptation in Brian Friel’s Plays
Irene Pipicelli (University of Turin)
Material Entanglements in Displacement: Intermediality, Fiction and Storytelling in Walid Raad’s Art Practice


2E Cinematic Transcodifications/1
Chair: Massimo Fusillo

Aurora Gedra Ruiz Alvarez (Mackenzie Presbyterian University)
Transcoding Painting into Animation: Processes and Reception
Helga Mitterbauer (Free University of Brussels)
Kafka’s Country Doctor Amplified: Koji Yamamura’s Anime Adaptation
Mattia Petricola (University of L’Aquila)
Neo-baroque Aesthetics: The Case of Peter Greenaway’s Films
Márcia Arbex-Enrico (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
The Survival of Painting: Literary and Cinematic Tableaux-Vivants


2F Transcodifications in/of the Ancient World/1
Chair: Laura Lulli

Rongzhen Xue (Trinity College Dublin)
The Conception and Reaction of Hamartia in a Horizon of Ancient Greek and Chinese
Róbert Gáfrik (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Transcoding the Upanishads. The Interpretation of Ancient Texts Between Orality and Literacy
Kathy Komar (UCLA)
The House of Atreus in Cyberspace: Transmediality of Classical Materials


17:30 – 18:00 Break

18:00 – 19:00 KEYNOTE

Christopher Johnson (Arizona State University)
Baroque Networks: Thing, Event, Expression

Chair and Discussant: Helga Mitterbauer


2 July

9:30 – 10:30 KEYNOTE

Ágnes Pethő (Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania)
From Crossing Media Borders to Rethinking In-Betweenness. Shifting Vantage Points in the Interpretation of Cinematic Intermediality

Chair and Discussant: Mirko Lino


10:30 – 11:00 Break

11:00 – 13:00 Session 3

3A Literary Transcodifications/3
Chair: Gianluigi Rossini

Katia Trifirò (University of Messina)
From Improvisation to Writing: the Radio Drama Intervista aziendale (Primo Levi e Carlo Quartucci, 1968)
Michela Meschini (University of Macerata)
Interrogating Images: Some Notes on the Affective Turn of Tabucchi’s ‘Iconic Temptation’
Laura Lori (University of Melbourne)
From Homeward Bound to La danza dell’orice: Transcoding in Ubax Cristina Ali Farah’s Writing


3B Politics of Transcodification
Chair: Lucia Boldrini

Márcio Seligmann-Silva (UNICAMP)
The New Art of Memory in the Digital Age: The Cases of Harun Farocki and Aline Motta
Ipshita Chanda (English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad)
Unclothing the Emperor: Remediation and Resistance
Chandra Mohan (General Secretary, Comparative Literature Association of India)
Politics of Transcoding the Ramayana
E.V. Ramakrishnan (Central University of Gujarat)
Trial as Spectacle, Woman as the Missing Subject: Performing Gender in Times of Transgression


3C Theories and Philosophies of Transcodification/2
Chair: Doriana Legge

Aleksandr Fadeev (University of Tartu)
Inner Speech in the Meaning-Making of Artistic Texts
Fabrizio Deriu (University of Teramo)
Transcodification Between Electracy And Performance. An Insight Into Gregory Ulmer’s “Applied Grammatology”
Dario Tomasello (University of Messina)
The Impossible Transcodification. What If Performance Does Not Deal with Mediascape?


3D Post-cinema
Chair: Giuseppe Previtali

Mario Tirino (University of Salerno)
The Same Film or Another One? Fansubbing as Resistant Transcodification Practice in the Post-Cinema Age
Arina Medvedeva (Chelyabinsk State University)
Aesthetic Decoding in YouTube Digital Art
Tanushri Barman (Ambedkar University, New Delhi)
The Use of Video-clips in the Visual Kei Online Fandom


3E Cinematic Transcodifications/2
Chair: Mirko Lino

Angelo Grossi (University of Ca’ Foscari, Venice)
A Calendar of Eye-Pod Poems: Jonas Mekas and the 365 Day Project
Saumya Mani Tripathi (Aminity University of Nodia)
The Many Lives of AZAADI. Performing the Idea of Freedomin Indian Resistance Movements
Karol Jóźwiak (University of Lodz)
WWII Trauma Transcodified in Cinema: The Case of Michał Waszynski’s Italian Films
Sara Tongiani (University of Udine)
The Trans-medial Perspective of Metamorphosis


3F Transcodifications in/of the Ancient World/2
Chair: Laura Lulli

Anna Tsanava (Tbilisi State University)
Re-telling the Tragedy: Cinematic Vision of the Myth of Iphigenia in The Killing of a Sacred Deer by Yorgos Lanthimos
Salvatore Renna (University of L’Aquila/Freie Universität)
“That would be a tragedy”. Yorgos Lanthimos’ Cinema Between Metamorphosis and Sacrifice
Mario Valori (Independent Researcher)
Classical Greece Becomes Modern: From Archaic Tales to Magic Mythology


15:30 – 17:30 Session 4

4A Literary Transcodifications/4
Chair: Mattia Petricola

Oana Fotache Dubălaru (University of Bucharest)
From Ekphrasis to Worldmaking. On Painting in Mircea Cărtărescu’s Novels
Prachi Priyanka (Sharda University)
Transmedia Storytelling: Convergences Between Narrative Painting and Victorian Poetry
Beata Migut (University of Edinburgh)
Setting Words and Images in Motion in Vladimir Nabokov’s Laughter in the Dark and Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited

Notice: this panel was joined with the panel 4C. Please use this link:

4B Transcoding Storytelling/1
Chair: Mario Tirino

Bartosz Lutostański (University of Warsaw)
Birth of a New Medium? The Case of App-Driven Fiction
Giovanna Santaera (University of Catania)
Bandersnatch (Netflix, 2019) and/as Intermedial Performativity through Tv Series, Cinema and the Digital Transcodification
Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen (Teesside University)
Epistolary Paratexts as Transcodifications of Media Franchises
Mirko Lino (University of L’Aquila)
Augmented Literature. The Transcodification of Die Nächte der Tino von Bagdad by Else Lasker-Schüler


4C Theories and Philosophies of Transcodification/3
Chair: Mauro Pala

Aleš Vaupotič, Ana Toroš, Narvika Bovcon (University of Nova Gorica)
Encoding Literary Culture as Augmented Reality
Abderrahim Trebak (Hassan II, University of Casablanca)
Philosophies of Transcodification: The Concept of “Meditation” and “Mediation” By Gadamer’s Ontology of the Work of Art and Its Hermeneutic Significance


4E Transcoding Opera and Musical Theatre
Chair: Doriana Legge

Serena Guarracino (University of L’Aquila)
Transcodification as Hantise: Opera’s Queer Temporality in Derek Jarman and Isaac Julien
Sieghild Bogumil-Notz (Ruhr-University Bochum)
Turandot – A Feminist Heroine Crossing and Defying the Media
Massimo Fusillo (University of L’Aquila)
Harmonic Voices, Tragic Identifications. On Opera Transcodifications (Philadelèphia, M. Butterfly)


4F Contemporary Ekphrasis
Chair: Beatrice Seligardi

Thais Kuperman Lancman (Mackenzie Presbyterian University)
Contemporary Ekphrasis: New Categories for a New Context
Nataliya Gorbina (Technical University of Dortmund)
“The Iconography of Sports Jackets”: Towards (De-)mystification of Art-historical and Art-theoretical Modes of Seeing in British Postmodern Fiction
Miriam Vieira (Federal University of São João del-Rei)
Ekphrastic Layers in How to Be Both, By Ali Smith


17:30 – 18:00 Break

18:00 – 19:00 KEYNOTE

Marie-Laure Ryan (University of Colorado)
Four Types of Textual Space and Their Manifestations in Digital Media

Chair and Discussant: Hans-Joachim Backe


19:30- 20:30 EVENT

Remix the Cinema by ACTION 30 (Alberto Casati & Luca Acito)
Introduction: Mirko Lino

3 July

9:30 – 10:30 KEYNOTE Marina Grishakova (University of Tartu) Between Nature and Artifice: Reality Effects and Transcodifications of the Natural    
Chair and Discussant: Stefano Ercolino


10:30 – 11:00 Break

11:00 – 13:00 Session 5

5A Literary Transcodifications/5
Chair: Bartosz Lutostański

Ingrida Eglė Žindžiuvienė (Vytautas Magnus University)
Transcodification of a Literary Character in Fiction
Vera Cantoni (University of Pavia)
Dramatising Orwell’s Footnote: Reflections on the Transcodification of Literary Ambiguity
Laurence Riu-Comut (University of Pau)
Recycling Film Genres: Transcodification of the Film Noir in the Contemporary French and Anglo-American Novel
Rosa Coppola (University of Naples L’Orientale)
Writing the Sound of Voices: On Hubert Fichte’s Poetical Ethnography


5B Transcoding Storytelling/2
Chair: Mirko Lino

Federico Biggio (University of Turin)
Genres of Invisibility. Documentary Storytelling in Augmented Reality
Ana Falcon (Estonian Academy of Music and Theater)
Developing an Artistic Research Methodology to Evaluate Writing Format Possibilities for Cinematic Virtual Reality Scenarios
Steven Stergar (University of Udine)
Reframing the Cinematic Images by New Forms of Digital Storytelling


5C Performance, Dance and Theatricality
Chair: Serena Guarracino

Paolo Pizzimento (University of Messina)
Liturgy and Theater at the Gates of Dis (Inf. VII, IX). The Divine Comedy as a Transcodification of Medieval Theater
Anna Chiara Corradino (University of L’Aquila)
“Look down ye orbs and see a new divinity”: Mark Morris Dance Adaptation of Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas
Chiara Scarlato (G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti – Pescara)
Re-tracing the Body, Re-mediating the Space. Notes on 3x3x6 by Shu Lea Cheang


5D Adaptation and/as Transcodification/2
Chair: Stefano Ercolino

Martina Pfeiler (Ruhr-University)
Transcoding Moby-Dick: Historicizing Herman Melville’s Global Popularity
Jan Creutzenberg (Ewha Womans University, Seoul)
Performative Re-mediations of Tradition. Korean Singing-Storytelling Pansori in the Movie Seopyeonje and its Stage Adaptations
Donata Meneghelli (University of Bologna)
Screening Literature, Blurring Media And Cultural Borders


5E Cinematic Transcodification/3
Chair: Mattia Petricola

Silvia Barbotto (University of Turin)
Transcodification of Face: Literature, Arts, Media
Anna Bocci (University of Pisa)
Intermedial References to Classical Art in Luca Guadagnino’s Call Me by Your Name
Lora Markova (Loughborough University London)
Cultural and Creative Transcoding in European Transmedia Art Projects
Julia Wuggenig (Universität Stuttgart)
Intermediality: Film vs. Painting


5F Transcoding Television
Chair: Gianluigi Rossini

Emanuela Piga Bruni (Universitas Mercatorum of Rome)
From Cyberpunk to Posthuman: Re-mediations of the Conscious Robot
Carlo Tirinanzi De Medici (University of Trento),
Balzac on the Sidewalk. Narrative Techniques in Contemporary TV Series
Mike Clarke (University of Roehampton)
Drawing Lines between OK and Not OK: Animation as Transitional Phenomena in the Age of Streaming
Paolo d’Urbano (Independent Researcher)
Uomini&Donne and the Making of True LoveTM


15:30 – 17:30 Session 6

6A Videogames, Narration, and War
Chair: Hans-Joachim Backe

Cecília Nazaré de Lima, Thaïs Flores Nogueira Diniz and Camila Augusta Pires de Figueiredo (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
The Scramble for Africa In New Interpretations: Poetry, Video Game And Music
Yorimitsu Hashimoto (Osaka University)
Suspended or Suspenseful Torture? A History of Rat Torture and Its Transmedial Representations
Giuseppe Previtali (University of Bergamo)
The Gamification of Terror: The Imaginary of Videogames in the Islamic State’s Media Production
Marina Zagidullina (Chelyabinsk State University, University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw)
Narration Under Multi-Setting Conditions: Transcoding in Hybrid Media-Forms


6C Avant-garde and Artist’s Books
Chair: Helga Mitterbauer

Yara Augusto (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
The Playful Creation Process of O perfeito cozinheiro das almas deste mundo, Diary of Oswald de Andrade’s Garçonnière
Katherine Reischl (Princeton University)
Russian Color Pedagogies: Training Chromatic Judgment
Sirshendu Majumdar (Bolpur College, University of Burdwan)
Word into Picture: Doodles of Rabindranath Tagore


6D Adaptation and/as Transcodification/3
Chair: Alessandra Ruggiero

Davide Burgio (Scuola Normale Superiore – Pisa)
Medial Transposition in The Handmaiden
Jessy Simonini (University of Nantes)
Filming the Arthurian Imaginary: Rohmer’s Perceval Le Gallois
Zahra Nazemi (University of Kermanshah/Universidad de Cordoba)
Revitalization of Othello in the Iranian Shahrzad Series
Silvia Kurr (University of Tartu)
Ekphrastic Transformations of the Nude in Pedro Almodóvar’s The Skin I Live In and Nuala Ní Chonchúir’s Nude


6E Transcoding Music, Sound and Literature
Chair: Serena Guarracino

Yael Balaban, Naphtali Wagner (Beit Berl College/Hebrew University)
Musical Metaphors as Intermedial References
Giulia Bigongiari (University of L’Aquila)
On Song Performance Scenes in Non-Musical Films
Doriana Legge (University of L’Aquila)
A Performance of Sound for an Immersive Theatre
Robert Dean (University of Lincoln)
The Transcodification of Grieg’s ‘Mountain King’ Meme


17:30 – 18:00 Break

18:00 – 19:00 KEYNOTE Rebecca Schneider (Brown University)
Limb on Limb: Media Jumping in Geologic Time
Chair and Discussant: Vincenzo Del Gaudio


19:00 – 19:30 CLOSING REMARKS

Scientific Committee:
Massimo Fusillo, University of L’Aquila, Italy / Marina Grishakova, University of Tartu, Estonia / Hans-Joachim Backe, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark / Jan Baetens, KU Leuven, Belgium / Bart Van Den Bossche, KU Leuven, Belgium / Kiene Brillenburg Wurth, University of Utrecht, Netherlands / Jørgen Bruhn, Linnaeus University, Sweden / Philippe Despoix, University of Montréal, Canada / Stefano Ercolino, University of Venezia “Ca’ Foscari”, Italy / Caroline Fischer, Université de Pau, France / Yorimitsu Hashimoto, University of Osaka, Japan / Karin Kukkonen, University of Oslo, Norway / Mirko Lino, University of L’Aquila, Italy / Christina Ljungberg, University of Zurich, Switzerland / Kai Mikkonen, University of Helsinki, Finland / Nam Soo-Young, Korea National Univerity of Arts, Korea / Haun Saussy, University of Chicago, USA / Márcio Seligmann-Silva, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil

Organizing Committee:
Massimo Fusillo / Doriana Legge / Mirko Lino / Mattia Petricola / Gianluigi Rossini